Wednesday, September 29, 2010

To my sweet baby on her first birthday....

Harper Sophia,

I can't hardly believe it's been a year since I met you face to face for the first time. My, how fast a year flew by.  They say with each child it seems to go faster and faster, and I can say I am totally experiencing that.  I never knew how much joy a 3rd baby could bring to my heart until you walked into my life.  (or should I say "popped" into my life...ha!)  You are so big now...from this first little picture of you in the hospital's cradle.  You've come a long way in a year.

So much about me has changed as a mother too in a year.  It's funny how with each consecutive child, my mothering seems to adjust and reinvent itself.  I now have permanent bags until my eyes...HA!  That's right Harper.  Mommy sure didn't get a whole lot of sleep this past year.  But you are so worth it.  What I wouldn't give to cuddle you...even in the middle of the night.  I am also a lot more laid back in my mothering style.  I don't go by "the books".  I go by "what is best to survive".  And lean a lot on my instincts.  3rd time around I have learned to just trust my instincts.  Usually they don't fail.  And I am trying hard to just cherish you.  Not wish your baby time away.  Cherish holding you every second.  Cherish watching you feed yourself.  Cherish everytime you look back at me right before you know you are going to be naughty (umhmm..electrical outlet..need I say more Harper?) HA!  I have learned that it's ok to be tired all the time.  This is just a stage of life...that will soon pass way too quickly.  I have also learned, and maybe most important for me, that I cannot be "supermom".  I don't have it all together.  My house is not spotless a majority of the time.  I get stressed easily.  I can't have a lot on my plate.  And it's ok to have a frozen pizza for dinner every once in a while.  I am trying too hard to keep up with everyone else trying to do this, do that, get you involved in this, get you involved in that.  Maybe I am thinking that if I don't you will be behind intellectually or something...I know that is not the case.  Through this year Harper, you showed me that all I need to be is be a loving mother to don't need all that extra stuff.  You just need me.  And not a stressed out me. 

You are so fun right now.  You are starting to say all sorts of words.  "Buh bye!", "Momma", "Dadda", "ALL done!", "Nigh night", "HIIIIII".  You also nodd your head when you want something.  I love it!  You wave bye bye and now you just started pointing.  I think it's adorable.  You started crawling at 11 months, and you are into EVERYTHING.  You especially like opening and closing the cupboards in the kitchen. You are sleeping better these past few nights...going to sleep around 8 and not getting up until between 7 and 8am.  YAH!!  Such a big achievement for you!!  :)  And such a relief for Mommy!  You are still very much a mommy's girl and I hope you always are.  I love the cuddles.

You love to cuddle all your stuffed animals.  You love your Minnie Mouse that is in your crib.  You sleep with your arm around her every night.  I hope you always love to cuddle. 

You are always so great in the nursery or anywhere we go anyplace.  You hardly ever cry and just love to sit and observe.  But if you do want definitely let us know.  You are a lot more laid back then your sister's were and are just content with watching everyone.  Pretty soon you will be right there playing with them.

Harper...God made you so special and unique.  What a precious gift God has given me over this past year!  I can't wait to see your personality blossom and see what interests God has given you.  Thank you for teaching me so much about myself and about God through you.  What a blessing it is to be your Mommy.  I love you so much!  Happy 1st birthday my sweet little Harper.  I am so proud of you!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh... happy birthday Harper!! Such a great post! I had goosebumps! :) Sarah, you are such a great Mommy!!!
