Tuesday, September 14, 2010

New uses for ordinary things...

Do you read Real Simple magazine? I love the section in it that's entitled something along the lines of "new uses for ordinary things". So I thought I would start my own list and post about it everytime I came up with a new idea for an ordinary thing. Now for some of you, this idea may not be new to you at all...but for me, and how seemingly "slow" I can be sometimes, I pat myself on the back for it's new use and somewhat "creative" idea I had to come up with in order to survive...

So for today's new uses for ordinary things, I will have to back track a little ways on how I had to use this ordinary thing in order to survive. It all started yesterday while I was "attempting" on getting a shower and getting ready for the day. (umhum...nevermind that it was 2pm...) I had a little baby who insisted on not napping. So she has to obviously be in the same room as me..and since it was already 2pm (shhh..don't tell my hubby!), I was going to get a shower! I put on a Baby Einstein DVD for little Harps and went about my duty. When I got out..much to my dismay, it appeared we had a little intruder...

Oh no..I didn't see anyone come in while I was getting ready....!! And then I saw the intruder...caught cold handed.... smelling....soap!

"What are you looking at Mom? I just needed to clean my ears!"

"Mommy...aren't you proud of me...look what I found!"

Hmm...what a mess! This little stinker is getting into everything now!

So today, I had to come up with a different strategy. Hence..my new use for an ordinary thing...ready.....drumroll please....

That's right! The bathtub easily converts into a play pen! HA! This kept her entertained for a loooooong time....well..until she figured out how to turn on the water!

hmm..I wonder how long I can get this to work?


  1. Bennett was obsessed with getting everything out from underneath the cabinets- we finally put locks on them. Now she just loves getting in my "makes-up" and my "smells goods" (perfume). Gotta love little girls! Harper looks soooooooooo cute in the tub!!

  2. Ha! I did that this very morning with Dawson! Threw some cheerios in there and he was good to go!

  3. Great idea!!! You're such a THINKER!! :)
