Friday, September 24, 2010

Let them Eat......SOAP!

So...a bit of an update on the new uses for ordinary things---the bathtub.  Well lets just say that that new use lasted us....about a day.  Somebody figured out how to turn on the water.  Yeah...we were in a bit of a soggy mess.  So today...again...I had to get ready for the day.  With a whole bucket of toys outside the bathroom door, Harper decided to crawl on in the bathroom.  Here is how I found her....

Umm...Yes, that is soap.  She had opened a box and got it out.  No...I was NOT washing her sweet little mouth out with soap.  She hasn't gotten that naughty yet!  But needless to say, since the soap smelled ever so fresh and nice, Harper decided she must sample a bit of it....

Ugh...this is not tasting as fresh as it was looking....

Hmm...Not so sure about that stuff.  What is all about that after taste?

YHEW....after taste is  not that tasty....Look...even the soap got stuff in my teeth...

Well...maybe it wasn't so bad...let me try just one more time....not sure about this...

Ok OK...I am sure!  Get this stuff out of my mouth!!!

Mommy...I promise I will never talk back to you....ever....

disclaimer - I normally do NOT let my children eat soap.  But..I just couldn't pass up a good picture.  Plus the soap was only in her mouth for a second.  I totally wiped out her mouth.  NO soap was digested before any of my sweet relatives get mad at me!  HA!

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