Easter Bunnies, grocery list
Ridiculed and pierced fist
Chocolate eggs, hidden eggs, and those all encompassing Cadbury Eggs
“Please forgive them…” my Father begs
Busyness, scowls, and attitudes forlorn
Humiliation, garment torn, and a crown of thorns
Celebrating a day off of work and school
Who knew that today was the ultimate Redemption tool
I’m so sorry Father for how quickly we have forgotten about your gift
And how even on this day my mind so easily drifts
For what you did for me on this day
Changed my life and took my sins away
My own redemption forgotten so fast
The society celebration of this day is a thing of the past
Your suffering for my ultimate gain
Oh Lord, please forgive me for taking this in vain
For let me remember what you did for me on that cross
And what you did for a world that is at a loss
On this day you hung there and bled for me
Body broken for a chance at eternity
How this day made my sins as white as snow
I want the whole world to know
How what you did for me on this Friday
You did for the whole world who has tossed you away
For you are not private property for only a few to see
You suffered for us all that we all may be free
Thank you Lord for my redemption story
May the Whole World revel in your glory

Sarah...did you write this? Or who is the author. I love reading your posts every night...you are such a good writer :). Chris keeps telling me we need to get together with you soon. I know Megan would love your kiddos.