Harper at your 6th month check up, you went from being in the 90th% to now the 68%. But those chubs still are rollin! :) I love it. You weigh 17 lbs. Both your sisters were 18 lbs when they turned a year old. Yes, I think you will have them beat! And you know what else the Doctor told me at your checkup? That Mommy spoils you too much. Daddy agrees but of course Mommy still thinks you can't spoil something as sweet as you too much. The doctor agreed..no more sleeping in your carseat and no more night feedings! While I am so happy to get some more sleep, I was dreading letting you cry it out. But, alas, you surprised me and only cried an hour one night. Slept through the next night. Now you are still waking up off and on..but you are mainly sleeping through the night....
finally. Now naps...they are another story. You don't like those ONE.BIT. You also hit another hurdle this past week. You would NOT eat baby food or cereal. But this week you decided you kind of liked it. Now you really like it. You still get a little mad at me when I give you some veggies. Bananas and pears are your favorite. Yesterday you ate a whole jar of pears, a whole jar of bananas, and half of a jar of sweet potatoes. I think you want to get back up to that 90%. You also have rolled over a few times. Of course you always do it when Momma leaves the room, and won't do it for me again...but I will see it someday! :)
I can't believe how much you have grown in 6 months. My baby is growing up too fast!
so cute!!! :) That cracks me up that she is almost the size of the other 2 at a year!!! - -but I do love those squishy cheeks!!! :) Can't believe she is 6 months already! Time goes WAY too fast!