1. My 2nd born never ceases to make me laugh. Today at the grocery store an elderly lady came up to talk to her and the little one. Now, I mean to say this in the most sincere way, but the lady was a little unkempt looking....a little overweight. I sound so mean. But anyway..as she was walking away, Finley blurted out, "Mommy? Does that lady sleep in the park??" I.about.died.
3. Going to Target is always an experience for me. The other day, we were at my favorite store when Finley informed me she had to go potty....really bad!!!! Of course, she needs to go about 50 times and day...and we just went! So I tried to hold her off for a few minutes to finish my shopping. I tell her..."Sit in the basket in the cart. Sitting down makes it feel like you don't have to go as bad. She sits in the basket and off we go again. A few minutes later, "Mommy..I just wet my pants". Great...I look beneath the cart. Sure enough on our water bottles I was going to purchase, there was pee on it. YUCK. I clean it up as much as I could. But we get up to the cash register...and that poor poor check out lady. She had no idea that she was NOT cleaning and touching up just water on those bottles.....and of course I was not going to tell her. What you don't know...won't kill you....HA!
4. Where we live, the closest Starbucks is about 12-15 minutes away. That.is.too.far. This little town in suburbia where I live...REALLY needs to get on the ball and get me my Starbucks. This is a staple I cannot live without...nor do I realize can I drive 30 minutes just to get one....but I still do. Starbucks...if you are out there...please...please...come out to my little suburbia town. thank you!
5. Why does my kitchen counters always look like this when I bake? Steve always calls me the tornado in the kitchen. I CAN.NOT. be clean when I cook. I'm a mess...
7. Is the mess really worth it? This is a cake I am taking to my friend who just had a little baby...the cake was the cause of my mess....
9. My own little babe is getting to be one big girl. I swear she has been saying "MOMMA" when I pick her up. Steve thought I was totally making this up until he heard it last night. He told her, "Harper...say Dada!" Harper babbled a little and then said.."Momma!" It was too funny. I guess I know who her favorite is! HA!
oh the poor target checker!!! :) hehehehe! :) That is so funny and gross... you have the best Finley stories... ok all of your stories are great!! :) THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for that BEAUTIFUL, YUMMY CAKE! - - I took pics too! :) Sorry for the messy kitchen!! Love the pic of Harper at the end - - so sweet! Can't believe she is big enough to be rolling over! Love that she is saying Momma!! So sweet!!! :) Love reading your posts!!