Friday, January 21, 2011

Part of my pictures...

Mommy catches me often during the day sneaking up the stairs.  Uh oh...

Hey the reason I go up the stairs to to make myself my sisters.

Harper's favorite Past-time these days.  Talking on the phone.  HEWWOOO?  Many unsuspected people in my family have gotten Harper's phone calls unbeknowst to me.

Ok Ok...I will pose for you a bit.  But I'm kind of tired.

Kissing her baby doll.  This little one is already OBSESSED with babies.  No one needs to teach gender to these little ones.

We are practicing....on standing! 15 months we are a little behind that we are not walking yet.  But we are getting there.  Slowly but surely.  She will take a few steps when she feels like it though:)

Deep in thought...she is pretending to be "grown-up"'s not very often I get a "real" smile from this little one.  I think we were discussing the topic of "poop" when taking this picture.  Yes, totally typically of my 3-almost 4 year old.

Finley's new obsession.  Her mommy's red boots.  Hey..what can I say?  This girl has some good tastes!

Tap tap tap tap...Acting and "sounding" like a Mommy.  These haven't left her feet for 2 days!

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