So..I have been pretty awful about blogging on here. I started this blog as a way to record my thoughts, experiences, and adventures to share with my three girls. I am not a scrapbooker nor have I been fairly good at recording all of their "firsts" in their baby books...much to my demise. So I thought this would be my way of recording all that stuff plus stories about them! Well...I am determined to be better. I am determined to take the time. And quite honestly, I hardly have had a moment to spare in the day. Harper hardly ever sleeps and when she does my dirty house is yelling at me. Not my blog. And when I get as busy as I feel we have been, I rarely get inspired to write something. And when I get as busy as I feel, I rarely stop to savor my sweet babies. I rarely stop to savor their sweet smells, their sweet sayings, their sweet voices, and their sweet repetitive actions (ie..Harper taking apart every puzzle she can get her hands on..). Ok...let me be honest...I HATE being busy. I HATE not savoring every aspect of what is seemingly frustrating at the time (wiping Finley's rear 10 times a day!..well ok, I don't want to savor that!), knowing that it will be over before a blink of an eye.
I need a perspective change...and I need it is not going to slow down any time soon. Life is changing ever so quickly...
And is changing because my little baby is not so little anymore (her 1st birthday is this month) and because my first born is in 1st grade, and because my 3 year old is going to be in kindergarten in two years....but that is not the only reason it's changing. It's changing because I am going back to work. Well...just part time...but still...this is going to be a big change for me. I have to be honest that I have really struggled with this aspect of working...even if it's just part time. I.don' I savor every little aspect of my days with them. And even though I am only working 2 days starting out, I know I will crave those little babes those 2 full days. But I feel like right now this is what I need to be doing for our family. For our girl's future. And for my own future. My dear precious children, please know that life is changing because I want the best for your future, and I will do my best in trying to prioritize this new lifestyle. I have had two great opportunities present itself to me--one is a counseling/skill building job which helps me obtain my counseling license and the other is a teaching job (intro to psychology) at a community college. Once I start teaching, I will be working 2 full days and 2 half days. Who knows...I may really enjoy taking off my mommy hat for awhile and having time in the grown up world. It is a great opportunity for me to decide which career path is best for me for when my babes are all in school (teaching or counseling). God has given me these great opportunities in a poor economic time, so for that I feel very blessed. If anyone knows me, they know that I don't like change. I mean I am someone who won't even change my sheets on the bed for fear that the seasons will change too quickly...ha! Please pray for us as we all adjust to this new change.
Well, in other news...Reese started 1st grade. She seems to be having a fun time. She has trouble getting going in the morning, but when she comes home from school she is usually very happy. There was one day in which I got a call from the school nurse saying that Reese had an earache. Now this is rare...Reese never has problems with her ear. She had no fever, nothing. But we had had a bad morning that morning so I knew it was more emotional then physical. I went up to the school to give her some tylenol and when she saw me she just burst into tears. "Mommy I want to come home! Please Mommy!" Oh it broke my heart to send her back in that classroom. She was so homesick. But I didn't want her to think that everytime she misses me or when something doesn't go her way she gets to come home. She ended up being fine the rest of the day at school, but it broke my heart.
Harper is officially crawling. She started right at 11 months. She is so cute. She takes her sweet time getting to wear she wants...just like her personality. She do things in her own sweet time. She is still my cuddler. LOVES to hug. LOVES to snuggle. I LOVE it. It breaks my heart she is almost 1 year old!! But she is so much fun. Now that she is mobile it does make life pretty interesting..and yes...BUSY! She has only fallen down the stairs once (thanks Finley for not shutting the door!), but praise the Lord she was fine. Scared me to pieces though.
Finley is still Finley. She is "out there" man! :) I love it. She is 90% in her own little dream world. I love seeing her imagine and boy, does she come up with some duzzies! She is my dreamer...and I hope she never looses that. I decided not to send her to preschool this year. I want all the time with her that I can get before the cycle of school starts. We are doing some preschool at home together. I also signed her up for dance (pics to come when that starts!), Cubbies for Awana, a Cooking class at the Y, and a tumbling class at the Y. I am sure we will keep pretty busy!
And now, I have a ton a pics that I haven't posted yet. I promise..I am going to make a resolution and be better blogging...I wanted to do it every day orginally...but lets just go with at least once a week now!

Look whose crawling!!! It's precious...she is very methodical in her crawling...slow and steady but still enough to get her in plenty of trouble! HA!
She's getting so big so fast!!
Ok...blogger is not uploading my pictures right now which is highly annoying...I will try again later!
Awesome update! Congrats on the new job. I feel like we should get together with all the kiddos sometime when Steve's gone so we can catch up. I want to hear some more details. Let me know his traveling days for the next couple weeks!
ReplyDeleteLove the pictures too. The one of Harper in line with the cousins feet is my fave!!
Cute, cute and cute!!
ReplyDeleteCONGRATS on the job... and on making your decision... I know it wasn't an easy one for you to make! Know that it will all work out... because you are putting God first! I am looking forward to the 2 mornings I can spend some time with those precious Snavely girls!! - - thank you for letting me help out!! :)
ReplyDeleteGREAT pictures of your beautiful family! :)