Whew...that felt good to get off my chest. Ok wait...not quite done...
Ok, now I am not talking about me, myself. I in fact DO like the feeling of being clean. (And even if I didn't, do you think I would want to admit that one here?) But I don't like cleaning. I like living in an orderly home. But I am not the kind of mom that things are always in order and all the right times. Pop in visits at my house? Well, not greatly appreciated although anyone is welcome to do that. Just know that I am undeniably embarrassed about the way my house looks because I didn't have time to shove all the toys, laundry, dirty underwear inside the oven and under the sofas before you got here. But since I am a stay at home mom, I feel like the house should always be clean so therefore I am not doing my job very well. Does anyone else feel like this?
This leads me to confession #2....
I am a self-professed GERMOPHOB!
I hate being sick. I hate when my kids are sick. The mention of throw up...and I am running in the other direction. Now, I have not always been like this. Just since I started having kids. Everytime we have the stomach flu in this house, it seems like a death sentence for me. I hate hate hate it. I will bathe my children in anti-bacterial hand santizer after E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.
So when Reese started throwing up this week...it sent me in a tizzy. I could not stop. Stop doing what you might ask? CLEANING! I was a cleaning WHORE. Yellow rubber gloves, disinfectant spray galore, and my ever so fashionable hospital mask. Steve walked in the house for lunch...first words out of his mouth as the smell wifted into his nose, "Wow...you must be in a cleaning mood." (It doesn't happen very much obviously). I couldn't stop myself...It was like a treasure hunt..searching for any dust, dirt, grime, puke, and poop that I could find. The house looked great.....
for like 5 minutes....
Then it was destroyed by 3 little monsters. Then I hit my reality again. I hate cleaning.
I hate cleaning because at this stage in my life...what is the point?
But I do love cleaning up this little one! She was in need of a serious tub after eating blueberries and raspberries for the first time.
But I quickly forgave her after her bath...because who just wouldn't love that little smile!
I am SO with you on confession #1. Its kinda ridiculous. Especially when I hear some other mom mention cleaning something on a regular basis that I've never cleaned more than once in my lifetime (I'm thinking of the bathtub at this moment...I'm sure there are lots more).
ReplyDeleteSo just so you know...you NEVER have to clean when we come over because it'll just make me like you more :)
I'm soooo glad I'm not the only stay at home mom that does not like to clean. It really is pointless. I swear I can mop the floor and within 10 min my hubby or the two kids have dirtied it again. It seems pointless. :) O well...
I hear you Sarah!! - -I HATE cleaning too... but since I have people in my house daily for daycare I have to do it (darn it!)!!
ReplyDeleteAnd Harper's face is PRICELESS - - OMG she is SOOO stinkin' cute! - -blueberries/raspberries and all!!!