Wednesday, September 29, 2010
To my sweet baby on her first birthday....
Monday, September 27, 2010
Birthday Week...
About a year after I got married, I vividly remember going over to my parents for a Sunday evening meal. I was complaining to my mom about grad school and working full time...felt I had too much on my plate. I remember my wise mother saying as she placed her arms around my shoulders, "well honey, you are setting yourself up for a great future." And my reply..."Yes, but Mom, all I really want to do is be a wife and mom right now." Kids, at that time, were not on our radar (little did I know I was unexpectedly pregnant though!). Even then, I had that yearning of pushing my little baby in that stroller. And cuddling that little baby in my arms.
Well, God abundantly blessed me by making all those dreams come true---TIMES 3. I am forever grateful for the gifts He has given me in my girls.
But today..I am struggling. It may sound very up surd to some. Maybe a little over dramatic to others. But can I admit that I am struggling that my seemingly last baby is turning 1 this week? When children dream of being a mom...when I dreamt of being a mom...I dreamt of cuddling that little newborn. Now...every stage of my girls is AWESOME and so much fun. But can I grieve that babyhood for me is coming to an end? I don't want it too. I LOVE having a baby in my arms.
Isn't kind of ironic that while you are celebrating firsts during that first year of a baby's are also celebrating lasts? I mean...last time you held your baby's neck to support it's floppy head--she learns to hold it upright. Last time you worked so hard to get a burp out--she overcame it. Last time she would wear that adorable outfit that your mom got for her (which meant so much to you)--she outgrew it. Last time you would be feeding her in the night--she endured it. Last time she sat still in your lap--she found independence. Last time you would open a jar of putrid smelling baby food--she learned better. Last time she would sit in that little whale bathtub--she outgrew it. Her last back and forth in that swing she spent so many hours in--she moved on. Last time you could take a shower without fear--she became mobile. Last time she breastfed---she didn't have time for it anymore.
And while I am so excited to celebrate my baby's 1st birthday, I am also grieving that this year has gone by so fast--most of it while I was in a blur. And while I am so elated that my baby is achieving all of her milestones and appreciating her God given personality that is coming out, I am sad. Sad that my baby will now be a toddler. Sad that most likely I will not have those "firsts" again in my life. Sad that I know the innocence she has as a baby, will ever too soon be stripped away by the cruelness of this world. I wish I could hold on to that baby forever. To shield her from all that hurt that slaps us once her independence hits her. To keep cuddling every cruel word away. Keep kissing every mean look off. To sing off every little bruise.
But I can't.....
That's not the way God designed this life. If he had us mother's holding on to all of that, we would have no need for Him. So I pray...I pray hard that as Harper grows and experiences some of that, that God will "cuddle" every cruel word said to her, that He will "kiss" every tear that those mean looks cause, and He will comfort her in her pain of this earth. I can't do it all...and I am pretty sure that is why God designed this life as He did. To push us to depend on Him...not on our Mommas...
So as I am grieving through this...I am also swelling up with joy. Joy that my baby is learning so much. Absorbing how cool this world is. Enjoying how much the little things in life can bring one so much joy. Today for Finley it was being able to push her own grocery cart at the store. Those little things that bring us so much joy. And Harper...well...I can't wait to see her personality bloom. Excited to see how unique her character is and God's fingerprints all over her. And even though I miss those "first year" stares with those big blue eyes looking up at me as if I am the only thing that matters in the world, I will bottle up the here and nows of her little being. I will miss the senseless babble that I awaken to every morning coming from down the hall. Soon that senseless babble will form into words...and I can't wait to hear those words "I love you Momma!" coming from those sweet little lips. I can even say that I miss those nighttime feedings where I can get full range snuggles from Harper without having to tend to anyone else...where she actually fell asleep in my arms. But soon...even Harper...will learn that sleep is a precious commodity in life....:)
So even though I grieve, I am so excited to watch my baby blossom and fly into the world with abandon. Because I will always be there. Always be there to watch...and most importantly to catch....
Thank you God for this incredible opportunity....
Friday, September 24, 2010
Let them Eat......SOAP!
Umm...Yes, that is soap. She had opened a box and got it out. No...I was NOT washing her sweet little mouth out with soap. She hasn't gotten that naughty yet! But needless to say, since the soap smelled ever so fresh and nice, Harper decided she must sample a bit of it....
disclaimer - I normally do NOT let my children eat soap. But..I just couldn't pass up a good picture. Plus the soap was only in her mouth for a second. I totally wiped out her mouth. NO soap was digested before any of my sweet relatives get mad at me! HA!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
New Uses for Ordinary Things-Take 4
Please forgive this photo. It was taken by a 3 year old.... |
And she even got to try it out....
Actually Harper LOVED riding in it. And no baby was harmed during this ride.... |
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Sweet Moments--Finley Edition...
Sunday, September 19, 2010
An Apple a Day....

The Farmer in the Dell..The Farmer in the Dell...Hi HO the Apple O the Farmers in the Dell...
We got our Apples. I got 10 pounds of Cortland Apples. I wanted to get pink applesauce and this is what my friend used.
Threw them in a pot with a little water....and cooked over medium high heat. Does it ever make your house smell like fall!!
The Peels come right off as you cook them. We let the apples cook down until they were really mushy!
And then with a potato masher...we mashed the heck out of those apples. That was fun! :) It took out a lot of my frustration...a good stress reliever! :)
And voila...PINK applesauce with no food coloring...(it really is not as chunky as it looks in this picture...)
I had visions of applesauce making all day. So I got my tupperware containers, I got all my apples. I had visions of gift giving of pink applesauce for Christmas, new neighbor gifts, and a year supply of my own family's consumption. Ummm...look what 10 pounds of apples made me.... Umm...applesauce making is soooooo overrated.....
Friday, September 17, 2010
New Uses for Ordinary Things-Take 3...
In this day in age, I would assume most of use have and use an ipod or an mp3 player on a weekly basis. This little bit of technology has made life a-bun-detly easier on getting my own "bun" in shape on the treadmill. But did you know it could be used for this??
Drumroll Please......
A New use for an ordinary thing---take 3....

See even both children were dancing and singing a long....
Now why don't you use your I - (don't hear any whining) Pod. I'll never look at the grocery store the same again.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
But I quickly forgave her after her bath...because who just wouldn't love that little smile!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
New Uses for Ordinary things continued...
A big ol' lollipop. This is something that has been sitting in the bottom of our stroller for about 3 weeks. Daddy bought it for Finley (ahem..thanks Daddy...) and I have tried to hide it. Well alas, despite my valient efforts to keep Finley from partaking in this cavity sucking, tooth decaying, ADHD envoking little stick, I lost the battle. She found it and she Ok...I gave in. Really after this week, I have little fight left in me. So I gave it to her with strict instructions:
So..for all of you Moms who just can't wait to see your dentist....try a Lollipop. Not only does it give your kids buckets of sugar inducing cavaties, but it also chips teeth! I know that we Moms can get somewhat desperate for dialogue during the day with other individuals even if this does include your pediatrician or dentist...or maybe your dentist is cute...and you are in need of serious eye candy.....but I regress...use caution when using a lollipop.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
New uses for ordinary things...
So for today's new uses for ordinary things, I will have to back track a little ways on how I had to use this ordinary thing in order to survive. It all started yesterday while I was "attempting" on getting a shower and getting ready for the day. (umhum...nevermind that it was 2pm...) I had a little baby who insisted on not napping. So she has to obviously be in the same room as me..and since it was already 2pm (shhh..don't tell my hubby!), I was going to get a shower! I put on a Baby Einstein DVD for little Harps and went about my duty. When I got out..much to my dismay, it appeared we had a little intruder...
Oh no..I didn't see anyone come in while I was getting ready....!! And then I saw the intruder...caught cold handed.... smelling....soap!
"What are you looking at Mom? I just needed to clean my ears!"
"Mommy...aren't you proud of me...look what I found!"
Hmm...what a mess! This little stinker is getting into everything now!
So today, I had to come up with a different strategy. new use for an ordinary thing...ready.....drumroll please....
That's right! The bathtub easily converts into a play pen! HA! This kept her entertained for a loooooong time....well..until she figured out how to turn on the water!
hmm..I wonder how long I can get this to work?
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Living in the Land of Changes....Yuck!

Look whose crawling!!! It's precious...she is very methodical in her crawling...slow and steady but still enough to get her in plenty of trouble! HA!
She's getting so big so fast!!