Boy, starting this blog I was determined to do better at my blogging..which I love to do. But then the month of May hit...and it hit with a vengence. We had my birthday, then we had Reese's birthday, then my inlaws were here for a week followed by one of my best friends from Ohio came in the day they left for almost a week, then I had two cake orders to get done, then my Parent's 40th wedding anniversary, end of school activities for Reese, and then a trip to Disney World. Whew...I am exhausted. And I have no idea where the month of May went to. So for the post, I won't get us all caught up on our activities but I'll try to get the jist of everything up until DisneyWorld, which we just got back from.
I'll start off with Reese's birthday party. I consume myself with party preparations, cake baking/decorating, and trying to make it perfect. For about two weeks I consumed myself with this. I wanted EVERYTHING to be perfect for my newly crowned 6 year old. She wanted a Scooby Doo party. So I thought...hey instead of the typical "Scooby Doo" cake pan cake, I'll just design my own Mystery Machine Van for a cake. Well...I think I got myself over my ol'head with this cake. It made me realize that I am not the cake artist that I thought I was. Let's just say that the Mystery Machine looked like it had been broke down for quite some time and many of the tires were out of air...oops! But oh well..Reese LOVED it and that is all that matters.
So in preparation for the "kids party" (we were having a family party later that evening), I was hurriedly making cupcakes and treats a few hours before the kids were to arrive. I noticed some ants crawling on the counter. Oh well, I thought, I don't have time to mess with being a bug control. I am a party planner right now! I did get rid of the ants (just a few might I add) I saw on the counter, and moved my work area to a different location. Still trying so hard to make it perfect (and boy do I get so emotionally into this's insane really..), I worked up until the last minute. The party was to last 2 hours. I had them do a "mystery scavenger hunt" to find the missing birthday gifts, dress Steve up as a "mummy" and then have him chase them around, and then have a contest with Scooby bone snacks. Oh and I pinata...(but of course I forgot all about that at the party....oops!). I thought for sure all this would keep us busy for 2 hours. Um...not so much. All that kept them busy for minutes. And then we had the cupcake incident. and my pefectionism was definitely crushed when I passed out the cupcakes and I heard one kid say, "YUCK! There is an ant on my cupcake." Horrified I stepped in to see what was going on when another kid piped up, "YUCK there is an ant on mine too!" and then another.....and another.... Yes...I was horrified. Needless to say even after the ants were gone and new cupcakes handed out, no one ate theres. And then there was still about 45 minutes left until the party was supposed to be over...and we had done EVERYTHING. So I had to be creative and come up with more games last minute. I only had a few "I DON"T WANT TO DO THIS. I'M BORED..." SIGH..... So much for my perfectionism. You would think I would learn by now that nothing will ever go as planned.... Reese did have a great time though...and really, truly, no matter how much I stress myself out over these things, this is what truly matters.
I am sad to say I didn't get any pics of when my inlaws came. We had a great time with them thought and can't wait for them to come back. And then my roomie from college came. We had a great time...Lisa came as well...and the trinity was back together again. These are my 3 best friends from college..and I'm so lucky to have such great friends. We will always be the best of friends and I am so thankful for the days we got to spend together. I wish Megan lived closer. She is pregnant with her third little boy...hmm..maybe some marriage arranging is in order! HA! We had a week filled with lots of girl talk and shopping! :) And they got to see Reese play soccer and the girls just loved having both of them stay with us for the week! :)
My cute little soccer player on her last soccer game!!!
Well I now have a 1st grader. I can't believe it!! We had her kindergarten celebration at the end of the month. They don't have a graduation so this was kind of their thing to end the school year. It was so cute. Reese was the hostess for us in her class and served us cookies and lemonade and then they sang us songs and she received her certificate. We are so grateful that Reese had such a great teacher with us moving in the middle of the year. She was great for Reese and helped Reese adjust.
Then I was consumed with making two more cakes. One for my parent's 40th wedding anniversary and one for my friend Lori's little boy who turned four. They were fun to make!
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