To my 3 beautiful daughters on Mother's Day:
There is nothing I treasure like being a Mother to you. It has been my lifelong dream to just be a Mom. God fulfilled something greater then I could ever ask or imagine--He gave me three little girls. I wake up with joy just thinking about you. Just the thoughts of you fill my heart with joy that I didn't even think was imaginable. Reese--thinking of your tender heart, nurturing spirit, and that little aggressive soccer player makes my heart melt. Finley--thinking of your witty sense of humor, your curly hair (or cuwley haiwr as you pronounce it), and your cuddles warms my spirit! And Harper--just the thoughts of those chubby cheeks and that sweet smile breaks my heart into a million pieces. I thank the Lord for all of you. You all make it so easy to be a Mother....(well on most days! HA!).
I love you!!

Reese got me the best Mother's day gift that she made at kindergarten. She paper macheted a bowl and put coupons in it. Then she wrote on the coupons what I could redeem:
A Big Hug Coupon
Getting my Laundry done by Reese Coupon
One Day She will Listen Coupon (hmmm...?!?)
Making me some hearts coupon
Then she wrote me a card. It looked something like this:
To Mommy
My mommy is prite (pretty). My mommy helps me pic (pick) up my room. My mommy helps me when I get a boo boo. Happy Muthr's (Mother's) Day.
Can I tell you that is priceless to me!! That is way better then anything money could buy! :) It made me feel very special.
Another thing that made this Mother's Day so special is because I was able to celebrate it with my own Momma! :) I haven't been able to for the past 5 years because we were in VA. And then...well...after she had her heart attack it makes me so grateful for every day that I get to spend with her. AND I am so thankful that I got to spend this Mother's Day with her. She is my inspiration for a mother. I just keep thanking the Lord for being able to spend this Mother's Day with such special special people He has blessed me with!! :)

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