Friday, May 14, 2010
To my 6 Year Old...
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
You Know Your Old When...
- You have three children..
- You can't leave the house without visiting the potty...and that is for you..not just the kids..
- When you are in your pjs at 7:30 and in bed at 9pm and you consider that your ideal night....
- You have GINORMOUS purple bags under your eyes...that never go away. I could travel a long way with these bags....:)
- If you go out to eat, you tell your husband you need to leave and be at the place at 4:30pm because it just gets too crowded after that...
- you just can't believe "what high school girls are wearing these days..." ( boy, I sound like my mom!)
- the one night you stay up past midnight you pay for it the rest of the week...
- And you realize you have no life outside of Facebook. (Yes...I admit...sometimes I get obsessed with reading or Facebook so I can read about other people having a life....ha!)
Ok..I admit it. It has taken me about 1 1/2 now to actually admit it. Here it goes....I.AM.THIRTY.YEARS.OLD. Wow...that was hard to say. I have been dreading this birthday for a long time. And it came on May 1st...and it has just taken me this long to come to grips with it. I had decided I will forever be in my 20's but then looking at my life and my list above, it appears I could pass for 80 year old!! Oh well...they say that the thirties is the new twenties. Let's hope that's the case.
I do have to say that my husband gave me the best birthday I have had in a long time though. I woke up, greeted with kisses from my 3 girls (that's enough to make my day!) and my handsome hubby. Then Steve gave me my cards with a schedule of my day. He had planned it all out...every minute and every dollar!! :) First up...a massage and facial that was to last all morning. He gave me a giftcard for those that even included the tip on it so I wouldn't have to worry about a thing. What man thinks of these things?!?!!!! The massage and facial was divine!! 2 hours of total relaxation. That hasn't happened in a long time. Then shopping with my sister in law for the rest of the afternoon. Shopping without kids...well that is enough to put me in heaven!! :) Then at 4pm I was to be back at the house because he had a little surprise party for me! He had it all decorated--balloons, etc. was all in black! :)
I kept calling turning 30 the day of mourning, and he, of course took it to the next level. Ummm...take a look at this cake he ordered for me:
A Coffin cake! How awesome is that?! And it was Red Velvet which is one of my very favorite flavors! It was so much fun! We had a great time, and Steve went over and beyond for me. I love that man so much. Now I have got to get thinking about his 30th birthday. Now that I am "his Old woman", I have a lot to live up to! :) HA!
In all honesty though, turning 30 has been a hard one for me. 30 sounds so old to me. And I really realized how quickly life is going by (not to be a Debby Downer or anything! HA!). I have heard that people generally feel a lot more "settled" in their 30's. And I am hoping that is the case. I have felt very unsettled these past few years. And I am not totally sure why. I sure love being a Mom to my three beautiful girls and I wouldn't ask for anything else. There is nothing greater then that. But to the outside world and those who have never been a stay at home Mom, they may feel that I haven't accomplished much in life (in material standpoints anyway). I am 30 years old...never have been incredibly established in a career, never have had the time to volunteer extensively, never had time to write my book (ha!), and don't even have the time to take a nap although every day I desperately want to! So what does my resume look like? Well...let's just say to the average hiring manager in this economy....well, I may barely get a second look. That's right...I have a masters in mental health counseling, a 4 year college degree, and a couple of years experience working in that field...but it has been many years. Now my resume would look more like this:
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Mother's Day