You know, the small pitched kind?
They are the words I hear all day long
The voices swarming my head form some sort of song
"Watch me!" they say loud and clear
For these days are soon drawing near
These two words are often said
From 3 sets of lips at sun up until bed
"Mommy watch me!" Reese bellows from the other room
Oh, just another pointless silly face, I assume
I turn my head her way
Annoyed that she interrupted me, I hate to say
There she stares laughing and eyes crossed
"Wow how cool," I huffed, mad at precious time just lost
Not five minutes later, I hear those two words again
This time they are from a little girl named Fin
"Watch me!" she delights
Too excited for me to put up a fight
"Quick honey, Mommy's busy" I say
With that she starts twirling without dismay
"Wow how pretty!" I exclaim
And then go about my work without a shame
Two minutes later two little voices pipe in my ear
"Watch us!" they scream and what I see sends me to fear
Two little sisters and Harper twisted up in a ball
"Stop it you two! Leave her alone!" I call
They leave the room with tears in their eyes
"We just want to be with you," Reese sighs
Striken by guilt, my heart skips a beat
With this new realization, I take a seat
With those two little words comes meanings galore
Not looking for ways to ignore me more
"Watch me!" really means "Notice me!"
And "Do you like what you see?"
"Watch me!" means "Am I important to you?"
I should have stopped what I was doing if I only knew
It goes by way too fast
And these days will long be past
Glimpses of the future flood my mind
With those same two little words of the same kind
"Watch me!" Reese says on her two wheeled bike
"Watch me!" Harper says while taking her first hike
"Watch me!" Finley says on her first day of school
"Watch me!" Reese says as she swims across the pool
"Watch me!" Finley says as she drives her first car
"Watch me!" Harper says while going to college afar
"Watch me!" rings in chorus as they are all dressed in white
These are the days I will long for with all my might
These days are so fleeting and fast
Only my memories of them will last
So with every spoken "Watch me!"
I will stop and watch as if the whole world can see!
Because, my 3 little ones, you are important to me
And every little move you make unlocks my heart's key